- Therapeutic Barre
- Pliés
- Battement Tendu
-Battement Degagé
- Rond De Jambe Á Terre
- En Dehors
- En Dedans
- Battement Frappé
- Battement Fondu
- Petit Battements
- Grand Battements
Sissonne: a jump from both feet onto one foot Body Positions |
- Á La Quatriéme Devant: to the fourth position front; dancer is facing the audience, arms in the second position and either foot pointed in the fourth position front á terre or raised tot he fourth position front en l'air.
- Effacé Devant: dancer stands at an oblique angle to the audience, facing either one of the two front corners of the room. The leg farther from the audience is pointed in the fourth position front á terre or raised to the fourth en l'air. The arms are placed en attitude, the arm that is low is extended.
- Écarté Devant: dancer faces either one of the two front corners of the room with the leg that is closer to the audience pointed in the second position á terre or raised to second position en l'air. The arms are held with the right arm curved over the head, head facing the right arm, and left arm in demi-seconde position.
- Á La Seconde: foot is to be placed in second position or that a movement is to be made to the second position en l'air.
-Effacé Derriére: opposite of efface devant; leg closer to the audience is pointed in the fourth position back á terre or raised to the fourth position en l'air. The arms are en attitude, higher arm is extended.
- Á La Quatriéme Derriére: dancer stands facing the audience, arms in second position and either foot pointed in the fourth position back á terre or raised to the fourth position back en l'air.
- Croisé Derriére: leg farther from the audience is pointed in the fourth position back á terre or raised to the fourth position en l'air. The arms are en attitude, lower arm is extended.
Russian Arabesque
- 1st: raised leg effacé - downstage arm is second, upstage arm is forward
- 2nd: raised leg effacé - downstage arm is forward, upstage arm is second
- 3rd: raised leg croisé - upstage arm is forward, downstage arm is second
- 4th: raised leg croisé - upstage arm is second, downstage am is forward
* Cecchetti
3rd: raised leg effacé - both arms are forward, upstage arm higher than downstage
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